A Picture of GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design at the EsriUC

As I scanned the Esri User Conference tweets last week (I wasn’t there), I got to wondering if my book was being offered for sale anywhere at the conference. Sometimes my publisher is represented at these conferences but my editor tells me that book sellers aren’t allowed on the exhibition floor at the EsriUC.

However, the conference does feature a geo store so it came to me that someone on twitter could probably find out if it was there. Thus was launched my first twitter contest with the tweet:First person to send me a pic of my book at #EsriUC gets a free Colors For Maps or Type For Maps.

About a half hour to an hour later @GISTweet responded with this picture:

So @GISTweet won but about one minute after their submission, @albertda sent a picture too, telling me that he had been standing next to @GISTweet, “opening my phone, as I watched him take his picture. :)”

So that was my first twitter contest. Very fun. And an ego boost at that – to see my book displayed right next to a Tufte book! I also wasn’t following those two twitter-folks until then so it helped expand my circle* just a little bit.

*Using the term “circle” reminds me to mention that I joined Google+ this week, thanks to an invite from @GeoDawg and am still figuring out how it works.

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