Archive for March, 2016
Announcing City Maps: A coloring book for adults!
Posted by G.P. in City Maps Coloring Book, News on March 25, 2016
My latest endeavor is City Maps: A coloring book for adults. I’m excited about this because normally I make maps that are more scientific, regulatory, or otherwise government oriented but this is a collection of maps for everyone. And what’s more, everyone can color them just the way they want to! (I can hear some colleagues wishing they could just get their clients to color their own maps so they don’t have to hear the color criticisms like, “could you make it a bit more orangish?”)
This has been a labor of love. I know that it didn’t take me long from my twitter lamentation about there being a dearth of adult coloring books featuring maps, but I was helped along by the fact that I already know a bit about publishing and I happened to have a lot of time off my regular work for spring break. So naturally I spent it working on maps 24/7.
I’m not going to say it wasn’t fun to have a “map coloring lab” in the dining room either. You know, because the designs had to be tested.
Amazon doesn’t have the look inside feature populated yet so here’s a preview:

A subset of maps from the book, in thumbnail form.
Announcing: City Maps: A coloring book for adults. Please help me spread the news!
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 25, 2016
Oh, early Christmas shopping!
— Rene Rubalcava (@odoenet) March 25, 2016
@PetersonGIS i knew it. Nice!
— Cory Eicher (@eichercory) March 25, 2016
@PetersonGIS this is awesome. I just started coloring some of these and was looking for a mapcentric one.
— Matt Wood (@mapdx) March 25, 2016
You too can be a cartographer. A city map coloring book for adults!
— Matt Wood (@mapdx) March 25, 2016
Great stuff!
— James Fee (@cageyjames) March 25, 2016
@PetersonGIS awhile back my wife received an adult coloring book, architectural theme. Glad you filled the niche.
— Cory Eicher (@eichercory) March 25, 2016
@alejandrof94, para que sigas coloreando SIEMPRE
— wurmler (@amoaloskiwis) March 25, 2016
I love maps and I love colouring in 😍
— Vanessa (@VeeMac4) March 25, 2016
Guess I’m getting on the Adult Coloring Book Train after all
— Keir DuBois (@keirdubois) March 25, 2016
Me time!
— David Puckett (@BrightRain) March 25, 2016
Such fun!
— Claire Brill (@brillocale) March 25, 2016
@PetersonGIS “Books › Health, Fitness & Dieting › Alternative Medicine”??? I love the idea, though
— Víctor Olaya (@volayaf) March 25, 2016
@volayaf Hahaha. I’m pretty sure that will get fixed soon.
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 25, 2016
The only good adult colouring book
— Rem Zelaya (@Rem_Zel) March 25, 2016
@PetersonGIS Now I have a reason to go up to the Fort, so I can get my copy signed!
— Christopher Rice (@colocarto) March 26, 2016
The only reason I haven’t already bought is that I basically do the same thing for a living.
— Eldan Goldenberg (@eldang) March 26, 2016
I need one of these!
— Anne Payne (@annewpayne) March 26, 2016
@PetersonGIS Great idea! I love it.
— Beth Carpenter (@CaptBeth) March 26, 2016
I feel like this might be too close to work for me … But I know many who would appreciate the map love ❤️
— Little Freedia (@little_freedia) March 26, 2016
@PetersonGIS do you think the colored results can be sent in to help create machine learning datasets? e.g.
— Avram Golbert (@AvramGolbert) March 26, 2016
@PetersonGIS Woot Woot!!
— Lee Sanders (@Lees_Sandbox) March 27, 2016
my daughter is looking forward to getting @PetersonGIS's new City Maps: Coloring Book #maps
— GIS and Geomatics (@CanadianGIS) March 28, 2016
Map coloring book for adults. Via @PetersonGIS
Love these coloring books. Fun & relaxing! #GIS #gistribe— Chad Smith (@MapGeek_Chad) March 28, 2016
Best part of #coworking is watching a member take a thing from idea to market in 9 days. Love you @PetersonGIS !!
— Angel Kwiatkowski (@CohereLLC) March 28, 2016
@PetersonGIS @mizmay I've always thought colouring in books silly but OMG I SO WANT THIS ONE
— Nathanael Coyne (@NathanaelB) March 29, 2016
@PetersonGIS @burritojustice @amazon no way! That's awesome
— Simon Fung (@Simon08says) March 29, 2016
@PetersonGIS @amazonbooks what a great idea! Any Aussie cities in the book?
— Emma Davidson (@emmadavidsonACT) March 29, 2016
@emmadavidsonACT @amazonbooks Sydney: The Rocks and Centennial Park.
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 29, 2016
For fellow map and GIS nerds out there…looking at you @yaminapressler
— Aaron Sidder (@sidquan) March 29, 2016
I'm thinking of other things that don't exist yet but @PetersonGIS can create in 9 days.
— Andrew Lightfoot (@andrew_maps) March 29, 2016
O. M. G. – RT @PetersonGIS: Announcing: City Maps: A coloring book for adults. Please help me spread the news!
— mactavish (@mactavish) March 29, 2016
@PetersonGIS @amazonbooks thanks! Ordering now
— Emma Davidson (@emmadavidsonACT) March 29, 2016
This looks like a really cool option for mapping friends and coloring-book friends alike!
— Ian Dees (@iandees) March 30, 2016
Sounds awesome!
— Michal Migurski (@michalmigurski) March 30, 2016
@PetersonGIS @CohereLLC IK, JK. 1 4 me and another adult. what age do you think? was thinking of gifting several kids age 7-10
— Patrick Wild (@pwildcard) March 30, 2016
@PetersonGIS @CohereLLC also, an rec on pencils or pens?
— Patrick Wild (@pwildcard) March 30, 2016
Nice one…
— Winza (@winza1985) March 30, 2016
@pwildcard @PetersonGIS I like Prismacolor brand.
— Angel Kwiatkowski (@CohereLLC) March 30, 2016
Yes I want to color my own maps! @PetersonGIS can read my mind!
— Map of the Week (@MapOfTheWeek) March 30, 2016
@pwildcard @CohereLLC Officially we're saying age 8+. It really depends on how focused a child is at that age though.
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 30, 2016
@m4isarah It's not yet. But we're working on it! At the least your bookstore will order it for you starting April 1.
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 30, 2016
This is super cool. I just got bought one!
— Stephen Smith (@TheMapSmith) March 30, 2016
@PetersonGIS Do you have a list of cities featured in the book?
— Brad Weikel (@bradweikel) March 31, 2016
@bradweikel Here it is. And Amazon will have the look inside feature up in the next week or 2 I hope.
— Gretchen Peterson (@PetersonGIS) March 31, 2016
Shhhh Coming Soon!
Posted by G.P. in City Maps Coloring Book, News on March 23, 2016
I haven’t posted this anywhere else yet, and won’t do so until next week. But I’m so excited about this I had to share with my small group of faithful blog readers…
It’ll be available soon. Very soon. Maybe next week even!
I haven’t even tweeted this thing yet. Shhhhhhhh.
Probably the most fun project I’ve done in years.
Plan to Attend FOSS4GNA 2016
Posted by G.P. in Cartography Profession, News on March 22, 2016
Ever since the very successful FOSS4G conference in Denver 2011, the conference and its North American counterpart the FOSS4GNA conference, have been the go-to conferences for anyone involved in or interested in Free and Open Source Software with a Geospatial bent. My understanding is that the 2011 conference consisted of a veritable who’s-who of FOSS4G developers and power users. Despite the auspiciousness of the attendees the information exchange level was high.
I went to my first FOSS4GNA last year and can attest to the fact that the information exchange level is still high while also being inclusive of those who are new to FOSS4G with plenty of intro sessions for newbies. Of course we’re all newbies at one or more aspects of FOSS4G as it’s impossible to know all of the great things coming out of this community at an expert level. So this is the conference to delve deeply into your software of choice, dabble in libraries or packages that are entirely new to you, and swap great ideas for new possibilities with fellow attendees.
This year’s FOSS4GNA is in Raleigh, May 2-5. I plan to give a cheesy talk where I interweave bits of the Tony Robbins best-seller Awaken the Giant Within with a live demo of QGIS. Hope to see you there!

This slide may or may not be going into my FOSS4GNA 2016 talk.
The Truthful Art: A Review
The very first thing I thought about Alberto Cairo’s brand new book The Truthful Art is that the title on the cover sports no capitalization. This shows gumption! This shows panache! This shows that the author may have some new, snazzy, and possibly risky design tricks to teach me!
And guess what? I am happy to report that the contents absolutely lives up to my first impression. And I’m not even saying this because I’m completely psyched that my name is in the index or that he graciously refers to Cartographer’s Toolkit as “A good book to have by your side when choosing styles for your maps.”*
This is Alberto Cairo’s third book on data visualization. It manages to be both entertaining and full of substance in its main goal of taking to task misleading data visualizations, telling us why they are sub-optimal or even downright lies, and how we can do better.
In one particularly important section he describes the idea of applying controls to your data. We cartographers are familiar with the idea that we should normalize by population in a map of, say, the numbers of people who go to graduate school in each state, but we may be less familiar with other methods of normalization. One of the examples in the book is that a visualization of traffic fatalities by state might be more beneficial if we also knew how much people commute in each state. If we don’t apply these controls then the reader can come to erroneous conclusions. That bit is from Chapter 3, The Truth Continuum, which is quite possibly my favorite chapter in the book as it really reminds us of all the ways our data can trip us up.
Another bit that really resonated with me was the motto that he says he shares with his students:
“It’s more complicated than that.”
And also: “Good visualizations shouldn’t oversimplify information.” I’ve been saying that for years (see When is Complexity Okay? and Not to Complicate Things…But More on Complexity.) Yes, clutter is bad but taking away all the details is also bad. In practice this means reducing unnecessary visuals such as neatlines around map legends but leaving in supporting charts and graphs that further explain the map data, for example.
One quibble, which I need to think more about, is that the text equates isarithmic maps such as weather and temperature with kernel density maps. However, kernel density analyses display a measure of the highest concentration of points in a given dataset, not the connections between points of real data. So I don’t typically think of kernel densities as isarithmic even though on first appearance they seem like similar beasts. But like I said I need to think more about this and feel free to weigh in, because I suppose kernel density visualizations really are typically shown as areas with the same value, but the values themselves really shouldn’t be seen as indicating anything other than relative density in a dataset, which to me is very different from lines connecting discreet data points.
Back to the positive notes, as these should far outweigh any quibble that I may have just uttered and that I haven’t even spent enough time really thinking through (something that Cairo says is SO important for any kind of visualization–Think It Through!). For one thing, the infographics explaining map projections are superior to the ones I’ve put together for my books. Also, Cairo goes into great detail on classification schemes for choropleth maps, which I think is a very good thing considering this is where a lot of data journalists (his primary audience, perhaps) need to be more cognizant.
In all, a wonderful addition to my library that I’m sure I will go return to again and again in the years to come!
*Disclaimer which turns out not to be much of a disclaimer: I was sent a free copy of this book. But! I was not asked to review it. Furthermore, since I had already purchased this book on pre-order before finding out that I was getting a free copy, I believe we could almost say that no disclosure is needed though clearly instead of that we now have one very complicated and drawn out run-on disclosure.
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Review of “The Truthful Art” by @PetersonGIS: #dataviz #infographics #dataJournalism
— Alberto Cairo (@albertocairo) March 2, 2016
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