Sometimes it is so difficult to put together a web map, whether for yourself or your client, that once you have it working and live you wipe your brow, give yourself a pat on the back, inwardly give a big sigh of relief that you were actually able to get it to work, and consider it done.
Because of the initial functionality barrier, the development process stifles creativity and stifles design. It’s not a new concept in GIS. Typically the technological sophistication appears before the aesthetic sophistication.
Unfortunately we are now at a point where the proliferation of downright terrible looking maps has become a blight on the profession. If you are a web map developer who hasn’t paid much attention to design in the past then this is the number 1 area that I recommend that you spend your professional development time on.
An ability to both create web maps that work, and web maps that people actually use, is now important (unsurprisingly). Prove that you can achieve both of these outcomes and your career will soar.
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