
Trying to make a decent map with a lot of data? Relax.
Striving for perfection at work? Relax.
Solving a major problem? Relax.

High achievement does not come from stress and anxiety. The best ideas come from the subconscious, which is working on your problems while you are actively thinking about other things. There are many ways to relax.

One of them is to break your foot and the concomitant forced relaxation it causes. If you would rather read about how this works as opposed to actually doing it yourself, check out this great, short read: Life In the Slow Lane.

Here I am telling people to just relax already:

In reality I am making this seem too simple. The counter-argument is that slothfulness never got anybody anywhere either. It stands to reason that one must alternate between states of actively thinking about a problem with states of subconsciously thinking about it via relaxing. And it also follows that one must recognize when the problem is solved and then act on the solution.

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