Archive for March, 2012

New GISCI Map Contest

The GISCI is holding its second annual poster contest, beginning March 15. All submissions have to be received by the deadline: April 15, 2012.

This contest involves the design of an 11″ x 17″ map in PDF format. It should display the locations of GISPs around the world via geocoding of the city and state locations.

1st = $500
2nd = $250
3rd = $100
People’s Choice = $500
Honorable Mentions

More information on the contest and prizes is available on the GISCI homepage here. Be sure to take a look at the finalists from last year’s contest here.

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Kartograph: a new opensource web mapping tool

A new opensource framework for mapping is on my radar today. It’s called Kartograph, and it is still in the early stages of development by Gregor Aisch (@driven_by_data). From the website:

The core concept of Kartograph is to separate the mapping process in the map generation and map rendering part. The client-side library kartograph.js renders pre-generated maps stored in SVG files. You can chose among hundreds of ready-to-use maps or simply generate your own using, the open source Python SVG map generator.

You’ve definitely got to check this out, even if it is just to gaze in awe at the examples that he has posted.

Thanks to @sgillies for tweeting about it.

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Orange and Purple Map

You learn something new every day. Like the idea that orange and purple might look good together on a map. Here’s the map I saw this color scheme on, hanging from the rafters at a local grocery store:

And those colors actually do work together, especially in the context of a grocery store where there isn’t a lot of purple about the place. Unfortunately, the picture didn’t turn out too well, but you get the idea. It’s mostly white, dark purple, medium orange, and a tiny splash of green in Africa. So there’s some color inspiration for your day!

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