We just got back from a road trip to Washington State by way of CO, WY, UT, ID, and OR. Here is the accumulated mapping wisdom from the experience:
- The paper road atlas is easier to pass around the car than the smartphone GPS navigator, and less likely to insight parental admonishment if sticky fingers land on it.
- Goes without saying though: GPS is a great thing to have at night when you need a hotel and everything in your current location is booked.
- I wish I had gotten a picture of the I-80 road sign maps. These are gigantic maps that show way too much information for a driver going 75 to be able to understand. However, I suppose if you were turning around due to a winter road closure then these are useful.
- When you’ve been driving a while, you and your spouse can come up with such gems as, “You need to know where the polygon is in order to be able to think outside of it.”
- Don’t forget to enjoy the view:
#1 by Keri Brennan on June 6, 2011 - 7:15 am
For a fun car game, pick up a Hazardous Materials Handbook and play Hazmat Bingo based on the signage on trucks. Always fun, in a twisted sort of way.