Type For Maps E-Booklet Is Now Available

Type For Maps, my newest e-booklet is now completed and ready to help you choose a typeface for your next mapping project!

WHAT IT IS: 50 fonts showcased on 25 pages – two per page – in a way that makes it easy for you to flip through and select something you can use. There are 20 system fonts described and illustrated. By system font I mean fonts that you are likely to have on your PC. There are 20 free fonts described and illustrated. Free fonts can sometimes be of poor quality. The ones described in this booklet are great for mapping and of high quality. There are 10 for-fee fonts described and illustrated. Sometimes it is best to pay a little bit of money to get a very good font with a lot of options. Cartographers often need condensed fonts for creating teeny-tiny labels and/or typefaces that have a lot of varieties such as bold, italic, small caps, etc and these for-fee fonts fit the bill.

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to the two primary reviewers: Hans van der Maarel, of RedGeographics and Franςois Goulet, of FG Cartographix.

I do not have the website updated with the booklet information yet. Booklet Page For More Information and a Complete Preview. If you would like to purchase it right now please, by all means, do so! I want it out there in the world, helping GISers and cartographers RIGHT NOW! It is 38 pages total and costs $9.95. It is a pdf, 7.5 mb. Just click the Add To Cart button and it’ll take care of the purchase and automatically send you the file.
Add to Cart

A sample booklet page is shown here.

Edited to add some early praise for Type For Maps via twitter:

awesome as usual – will buy one in a moment! RT @petersongis: The Type For Maps E-Booklet is now available! http://bit.ly/gI3xNi

@aspectbusiness Sarah Palmer
Whoot .. got it! ‘Type for Maps’ an excellent compliment to ‘Colors for Maps’ … Very cool :)

@amandahstaub Amanda Taub
Yeah! It has finally arrived! RT @PetersonGIS: The Type For Maps E-Booklet is now available! http://bit.ly/gI3xNi

elliothartley Elliot Hartley
Needed some #GIS inspiration for a new project so purchased @PetersonGIS Color and Type for #Maps, looks good! http://ow.ly/4GZbt

Edited again to add praise via email:

Hello Gretchen,
It’s great to have access to a resource which has been put together by someone in the biz. Have also been putting your GIS Carto. book through it’s paces. Money well spent from my perspective! Just wanted to pass on a big Thank You! for making both references available for those of us in need of a bit of guidance\inspiration. A wonderful resource that I’m putting to use, immediately!
All the best,
Jamie Whitters

Thanks everyone! I welcome any/all feedback.

  1. #1 by Keith on April 19, 2011 - 8:35 pm

    This is wonderful, Gretchen! I’ve been waiting for this ever since you announced it and it’s a perfect complement to your Colors for Maps booklet. Can’t wait to hear what you’re working on next. 😉


  2. #2 by Gretchen on April 19, 2011 - 10:36 pm

    @Keith I hope you get a lot of good use out of it! Let me know how it works for you. As far as what’s next…I actually do have another booklet in mind! However, let me have a bit of a break before starting on it. Ha!

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